YOUR ROUTE, YOUR LOCATION! Walk on May 10th, you pick a time and place. Staff and volunteers will be at the office on May 10th from 8:30 to 11:00 am to hand out water, snacks, balloons, t-shirts, collect donations and give tours of the Center!
Date and Time:
Saturday, May 10, 2025
8:30am – 11:00am
There will be several groups walking in Prescott leaving from the office and more groups in Prescott Valley which will be meeting and walking from Park Collective.
Ask others to join you and build a team of walkers and sponsors. Your sponsors can give online, drop off donations at the office or we can collect the pledges through the mail.
Walk on Saturday, May 10th. Staff and volunteers will be at the main Prescott location and Park Collective on May 10th from 8:30 to 11 a.m. to hand out water, snacks, balloons, t-shirts, collect donations and give tours of the Center (Prescott location).
Games and Face Painting for children will be set-up in the CPC Parking Lot!
Walkers can earn a shirt and prizes for money raised. Prizes include:
- 2025Walk for Life t-shirt,
- movie tickets,
- gift cards and
- Grand Prize $250 Gift Card from Best Buy.
Details available on pledge form (physical pledge Forms available at CPC, 1124 E. Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ or can be downloaded HERE or by clicking either of the images below.
Your help and support of the Walk for Life is vital to this ministry. Raise money and earn your t-shirt and prizes. Then, on May 10th, go for a walk in Prescott or Prescott Valley for the Community Pregnancy Center. There will be groups leaving the office and walking downtown Prescott as well as groups leaving from Park Collective in Prescott Valley.
Pick Up T-Shirt and drop off donations at the CPC office located at 1124 E. Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ
- Thursday and Friday (5/08 & 5/09) – 10 AM to 4 PM
- Saturday (5/10) – 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Additional parking is available at CPC or the Veterans Memorial Island (east of CPC between Gurley and Sheldon).
Call 928-778-7654 if you have questions.
We will have a big group of walkers Saturday, May 10th leaving from Park Collective in Prescott Valley. Check in is at 8:30 with the walk leaving at 9:00 AM. If you are not able to be there at 9am to walk with the big group, you are welcome to walk anytime between 8:30 and 11:00am.